Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finest shoe on Earth

I have finally found my navy blue Etnies!!! If you are at all familiar with the current retail footwear market, you know that Navy blue is not a color that most retail outlets(or on-line for that matter) have in stock. It is amazing the way the young but over-caffeinated sales "associates" look at you when you ask for blue. It's almost as if they're waiting to hear the punchline, and when they realize there isn't one they just look down right baffled. This is most true when shopping for skate shoes. Now everything seems to be black/white, brown/tan, black/red, or multi-colored. 10 years ago you could go into any store and find blue(suede, leather, canvas... whatever). That's the way it seems to me anyway. I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy. With that being said, after the better part of a year searching for blue shoes, I just happened to be walking past a store in the mall... and there they were... The Finest Shoes on Earth, so I bought them.


Unknown said...

Funny Blog dad!!
Too bad those shoes will be mine soon enough, I guarantee it!!
This weekend I'll consider making a blog... (Even though nothing much exciting goes on in a 12 year olds life..)

RudysBoy said...

Good idea. You could always write funny stories about your day(that's usually what I do)...You're way wrong about the shoes! I'd be willing to give you anything I have...but, never the "finest shoes on Earth"

SoulTattoo said...

You guys are way into the shoes dude! Matt! You need a good pair of running shoes for all that power-walking you do!

Kristie said...

Cool Shoes,

I love the way you DISPLAYED them -, in order to take the perfect picture. That shows how "COOL" they really are.
(And how dumb people like me don't appreciate COOL shoes, like they should)

Unknown said...

Told ya the shoes would be mine..=P
(by the way, that guy's a smiley face with his tongue sticking out haha)